From Stilettos To Ballet Flats

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So the nasty virus that got my son a week ago has also downed me. Ugh. I hate getting sick!!! I mean, okay, no one ever loves getting sick… but it’s so much different now with a baby and all! I feel pressured to get well because 1) I need to take care of my boy; 2) I don’t want to be contagious and be a threat to his and my hubby’s health; and 3) as my hubby said “sayo nakasalalay peace and serenity ng bahay” :P

I’m so grateful this thing just looks viral and didn’t develop into anything worse. I’m actually getting a lot better. Which means… no antibiotics needed! Yay!

So…what did I do to contain this virus? Here are my 5 not-so-secret secrets!

1. Water. Lots and lots and lots and I mean LOTS of water! I lost track of the number of liters of water I’ve drunk in the past 4 days. I must be averaging at least 3 liters a day since. I’ve never been more grateful for my super handy Kor water bottle!

my hydration buddy! love this a lot! get yours at or Conlins Elements :)

2. Vitamin C + Zinc. These 2 make for a dream team for fighting illness! I get my big doses from calamansi juice (with honey to soothe the throat), Fern-C (ascorbic acid) and Airborne. Airborne is an immune support supplement that is packed with vitamins A, C, E, zinc and herbs! I wish Airborne is readily available here. So far, only S&R carries it. It’s such a pity because it’s a really great product. It’s not foolproof, ie. you’re still gonna get sick at times, but I guarantee you’re not gonna be as susceptible to illness as before… and when you do get sick, you’re bound to get well fast! :)

the ultimate supplement!

3. Hot shower with Ilog Maria Eucalyptus Bath Gel. The steam of the shower plus eucalyptus did wonders for my bad headache from my bad cold! I didn’t want to leave the bathroom anymore! :)

4. Mask. Viral infections like this are highly contagious. It’s important to wear a mask so it won’t spread like wildfire. I bought my packs of masks the 1st day I felt funny.

5. Last but not least… PRAYERS. The most powerful of them all. You’ll never go wrong with the Great Healer! :)

Stay safe and healthy, everyone! :)

Is it ironic that the eldest of two medical doctors believes in non-Western medicine therapies? My mom is a typical MD who doubts (and even despises) alternative medicine. Herbal meds? Oh, don’t get her started on that!!! :P So obviously, growing up, my concept of “medicine” was bottled vitamins and medicines from the big pharmaceutical companies.

Then I got married, gave birth and became accountable to two other human beings. This had me studying more about health as I slowly realized how truly, hugely, indescribably IMPORTANT it is. My “research” led me to the side effects of chemicals in Western meds. It. Was. Scary.  I didn’t want any of that, so I explored natural and organic remedies, and those that are not as invasive as antibiotics. Recently, I’ve started asking how people do it in the province, too. My househelp is a mom to 8  smart and healthy kids. I’ve been listening to her wisdom lately. I think it’s important to have an open mind about these things. I admit it’s so easy to judge other methods as “backward” or “not scientific”, but hey, they work somehow, right?

To be clear, I’m not rebelling against Western medicine. I remain adherent to it. It’s just that now, I like complementing it with other forms of therapy. Like, apart from vitamins, I also give Jaden honey/bee propolis to boost his immune system. When he had fever, I treated him with Tempra, but I also let my househelp administer “hilot” for infants (she’s not a real manghihilot; she just knows a few strokes from observing). May I just say, I think the hilot was quite effective — Jaden looked like he felt better after his massage. I also refuse to give him medicated diaper creams. I scour the net for all-natural remedies for his rashes. For this, I highly recommend By Nature Baby Salve and Indigo Jar of Hope. And a good diaper like Mamy Poko or cloth diapers!

In the same way, Jaden’s food is quite varied too. I tried to give him all-organic, all-natural meals before (thank God for Healthy Options and Saladmaster cookware!). But after a few months, I had to accept that his system will have to take in regular food… unless we all changed to an organic diet. So now, my boy eats whatever is on the table. As much as possible, I buy organic veggies for him. All his snacks (save his Marie biscuits) are organic too. But everything else is regular food. Again, it’s a mix and I hope it’s a healthy balance somehow…

jaden at 9 months here: eating organic biscuit

What’s your take on health and health remedies?

Misis Teapot

the day i became misisteapot :)

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May 2024

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